ZENEX Coin Blockchain Payment Solutions for Gambling

5 min readMar 20, 2022

standard web based gaming, each of the exchanges you make while you play online gambling club games are handled by some severe bank guidelines, so there is an extended technique that numerous web-based gambling clubs have set up to enroll a gambling club account.

Cryptographic money gaming wipes out this cycle, and keeping in mind that making your gaming account, you won’t be expected to enter data in regards surprisingly or charge card or depart any delicate data in the site zenex Solution group has had the option to tackle the issues of gaming frameworks on a central level.

What is ZENEX Solution?

Z-SOLUTION is a computerized environment that incorporates: an installment framework consolidating fiat and crypto devices, gaming stages, and blockchain advancements in the field of business and amusement. These stages were converged to make the Z-SOLUTION advanced environment, joined by the turn of events and promotion of the biological system’s ZENEX token.
Objective of ZENEX

The primary objective is to make a brought together environment Z-SOLUTION, consolidating installment framework devices, a monetary stage for lawful substances and people related with the gaming and crypto industry, and authorized gaming administrations.

The principle objective in building the Z-SOLUTION environment is the issue and advocacy of the ZENEX token, which is planned to turn into a method for installment for the framework’s inhabitants. Clients will actually want to get installments for their administrations, utilize the token to advertise their designs by making reliability and prize frameworks in view of the token, and utilize the token in airdrop and coupon projects to draw in new clients from around the world.

Elements of ZENEx

The ZENEX token component is utilized as a computerized coin to recharge the equilibriums of clients’ very own records on game administrations, instructive sites, and crypto-projects.

The installment window “e-QuickBuy”, which is coordinated into the accomplices’ site, permits to securely and right away acknowledge installments from the equilibriums of bank cards and different installment frameworks.

An easy to use point of interaction and fast of exchange handling permit clients to rapidly pass check and perform exchanges without leaving the point of interaction of the game or some other internet based asset.

Z-SOLUTION Ecosystem

which incorporates the accompanying highlights

Individual records with electronic and digital currency wallets
Specialized answers for coordination of installment arrangements into the connection point of accomplice administrations (API, gadget)
>Inside Transfer System
>Outer Payments System (Swift, >Sepa, Card Payments Processing, Payeer, Advcash, Virtual Top-Up Cards)
>Own Crypto-Nodes And Crypto-Wallets
>Fiat-Fiat, Fiat-Crypto-Fiat Exchange Operations
>Trade Terminal (Fiat-Crypto-Fiat)
>Quick Exchange Transactions
>Otc Trading
>P2P Trading
>Crypto Loans
>Duplicate Trading (Integration With Binance)
>Authorized Gaming Services
>Wagering (Sports Betting)
>Betting (Lotteries, Slots, Video Games, Card Games, Live Online Streaming Of Gaming Tables)
>Blockchain Gaming (Including Play-To-Earn Format)

Reference PROGRAM>> for blockchain players and traffic mediators
Monetary Solutions Aggregator
Mix into a solitary connection point under the Z-SOLUTION brand, a bunch of installment strategies from own and outsider monetary administrations, showed in the gadget
Token issuance as a cryptographic money for repayments among clients and inhabitants of the Z-SOLUTION environment
Aggregator of installment answers for organizations of extraordinary classes (new businesses, crypto administrations, game administrations)
Issuance of general top-up cards
Crowdfunding and considering of game administrations

ZENEX Token>>>>

As a basic piece of the advancement of the venture s, is the issue of the task’s own token ZENEX. The ZENEX token has a place with the utility class, as an all inclusive method for recharging the equilibriums of accomplice online administrations. The motivation behind symbolic creation is to furnish lawful elements with a protected acknowledgment of client installments in the connection point of their web-based assets, involving blockchain innovations as an apparatus to affirm exchanges and safeguard against chargebacks by deceitful counterparties.

The complete number of given tokens (Total Supply) on the three conventions approaches 573,000,000 units
Absolute Supply ERC-20 (Ethereum) — 120 300 000 tokens
Absolute Supply TRC-20 (TRON) — 226 500 000 tokens
Absolute Supply BEP-20 (Binance Smart Chain) — 226 200 000

Token Utilities>>>>

The fundamental and most significant worth of the symbolic lies in the chance of players utilizing the coin to recharge their equilibriums on the relating gaming administrations. For this situation, the player gets extra rewards, free twists, reference rewards, and different qualities of extra faithfulness.

The presence of our own installment framework in the undertaking permits the player to purchase the token right away utilizing government issued currency or cryptographic money unafraid of being obstructed by banks or outsider installment administrations

The proprietors of gaming stages are glad to give extra rewards to the player, as the utilization of token, as an all inclusive gaming coin with upheld liquidity and the capacity to rapidly trade it into fiat, fundamentally diminishes the dangers of chargebacks and blockages, and increments promoting chances to draw in rush hour gridlock.
An advantageous strategy for tolerating fiat installments in various monetary forms
Plausibility of quick drifting subsidizes change to fiat and crypto
Plausibility to involve the token as an advertising device (drawing in clients through airdrop and joint extra projects)
Insurance against chargebacks
Unquestionable affirmation of administration arrangement to the payer (token exchange to client’s wallet is recorded in the blockchain)
Quick confirmation of new clients by means of gadget or secure trade of confirmation information with currently enrolled clients through API and checkout scripts.

ZENEX token incentive for holders
Decrease of administration expenses for monetary administrations of the Z-SOLUTION biological system
Decrease of rollover save
Procuring pay from the development of the rate and marking


The installment administrations, betting, and gaming markets are for some time laid out enterprises with consistent development in clients and monetary execution. Z-SOLUTION incorporates installment and gaming administrations into an adaptable and versatile environment by applying a wide scope of reconciliation instruments, utilizing a general installment unit (ZENEX token), and executing blockchain innovation in the circle of installment and gaming frameworks. Z-SOLUTION biological system empowers its members not exclusively to speed up business processes, yet additionally to arrive at a more extensive interest group by presenting new advertising devices

More information
Website: http://zenex-coin.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/enzenex?s=21
Telegram: http://t.me/zenexcoin_en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenexcoin
Instagram: https://instagram.com/zenexcoin_en?utm_medium=copy_link
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYIyEoD9DfN7rbxBlZR-JXA
Medium: https://medium.com/@zenexcoin

Author By:

BitcoinTalk Username: Janimani



