The ZENEX token instrument is utilized as a computerized coin

5 min readMar 30, 2022

Advanced cash gaming forgoes this cycle, and remembering that making your gaming account, you will not be supposed to enter information in respects incredibly or really look at card or withdraw any delicate information in the site zenex Solution bunch has had the choice to deal with the issues of gaming structures on a key level.

What is ZENEX Solution?

Z-SOLUTION is an automated climate that fuses: a portion structure solidifying fiat and crypto contraptions, gaming stages, and blockchain enhancements in the field of business and entertainment. These stages were met to make the Z-SOLUTION progressed natural framework, joined by the development and advancement of the climate’s ZENEX token.
Objective of ZENEX

The essential goal is to make a bound together climate Z-SOLUTION, joining portion system instruments, a financial stage for legitimate substances and individuals related with the gaming and crypto industry, and approved gaming organizations.

The guideline objective in building the Z-SOLUTION climate is the issue and progression of the ZENEX token, which is intended to transform into a technique for portion for the system’s tenants. Clients will really need to get portions for their organizations, use the token to publicize their plans by making faithfulness and grant systems considering the token, and use the token in airdrop and coupon ventures to attract new clients from around the world.

Features of ZENEx

The ZENEX token instrument is used as a mechanized coin to restore the balances of clients’ own personal records on game organizations, educational destinations, and crypto-projects.

The portion window “e-QuickBuy”, which is facilitated into the accessories’ site, grants to safely and promptly recognize portions from the harmonies of bank cards and different portion structures.

A simple to utilize association point and quick of trade taking care of grant clients to quickly pass affirmation and perform trades without leaving the association point of the game or some other electronic resource.

Z-SOLUTION Ecosystem

which fuses the going with components

Individual records with electronic and computerized cash wallets
Particular responses for compromise of portion game plans into the association point of assistant organizations (API, device)
>Internal Transfer System
>External Payments System (Swift, >Sepa, Card Payments Processing, Payeer, Advcash, Virtual Top-Up Cards)
>Own Crypto-Nodes And Crypto-Wallets
>Fiat-Fiat, Fiat-Crypto-Fiat Exchange Operations
>Exchange Terminal (Fiat-Crypto-Fiat)
>Fast Exchange Transactions
>Otc Trading
>P2P Trading
>Crypto Loans
>Copy Trading (Integration With Binance)
>Approved Gaming Services
>Betting (Sports Betting)
>Wagering (Lotteries, Slots, Video Games, Card Games, Live Online Streaming Of Gaming Tables)
>Blockchain Gaming (Including Play-To-Earn Format)

Reference PROGRAM>> for blockchain players and traffic judges
Money related Solutions Aggregator
Joining into a lone association point under the Z-SOLUTION brand, a lot of portion systems from own and outcast money related organizations, displayed in the device
Token issuance as a computerized cash for reimbursements among clients and tenants of the Z-SOLUTION climate
Aggregator of portion deals with any consequences regarding associations of interesting orders (new organizations, crypto organizations, game organizations)
Issuance of comprehensive top-up cards
Crowdfunding and figuring of game organizations

ZENEX Token>>>>

As a significant piece of the headway of the endeavor s, is the issue of the assignment’s own token ZENEX. The ZENEX token has a spot with the utility class, as a comprehensive technique for recharging the balances of assistant internet based organizations. The justification behind symbolic creation is to outfit legal components with a safeguarded affirmation of client portions in the association point of their web based resources, including blockchain developments as a device to assert trades and protect against chargebacks by degenerate counterparties.

The total number of given tokens (Total Supply) on the three shows ascends to 573,000,000 units
Outright Supply ERC-20 (Ethereum) — 120 300 000 tokens
Outright Supply TRC-20 (TRON) — 226 500 000 tokens
Outright Supply BEP-20 (Binance Smart Chain) — 226 200 000

Token Utilities>>>>

The rule and generally huge worth of the representative lies in the opportunity of players using the coin to re-energize their balances on the contrasting gaming organizations. For the present circumstance, the player gets additional prizes, free contorts, reference rewards, and various attributes of additional steadfastness.

The presence of our own portion system in the endeavor allows the player to buy the token in a brief moment using government provided cash or cryptographic cash unafraid of being obstructed by banks or outcast portion organizations

The owners of gaming stages are happy to give additional compensations to the player, as the use of token, as an overall gaming coin with maintained liquidity and the ability to quickly exchange it into fiat, basically diminishes the risks of chargebacks and blockages, and augmentations exhibiting opportunities to attract busy time gridlock.
An accommodating method for enduring fiat portions in different financial structures
Likelihood of speedy floating backings change to fiat and crypto
Likelihood to include the token as a displaying gadget (attracting clients through airdrop and joint additional ventures)
Protection from chargebacks
Evident insistence of organization course of action to the payer (token trade to client’s wallet is kept in the blockchain)
Speedy affirmation of new clients through device or secure exchange of check data with as of now enrolled clients through API and checkout scripts.

ZENEX token motivating force for holders
Abatement of organization costs for money related organizations of the Z-SOLUTION natural framework
Decline of rollover save
Gaining pay from the advancement of the rate and stamping


The portion organizations, wagering, and gaming markets are for quite a while spread out ventures with reliable advancement in clients and financial execution. Z-SOLUTION joins portion and gaming organizations into a versatile and adaptable climate by applying a wide extent of compromise devices, using an inescapable portion unit (ZENEX token), and doing blockchain advancement in the circle of portion and gaming systems. Z-SOLUTION climate engages its individuals not solely to accelerate business processes, yet notwithstanding show up at a more broad vested party by introducing new displaying mechanical assemblies

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BitcoinTalk Username: Janimani


